Import Data From Coinbase

US Traders can easily calculate their taxes from trading on Coinbase and create the right tax documents to submit to the IRS. Digitax fully supports Coinbase and makes reporting your transactions very easy.

Let's Begin

We need to get your transactions from Coinbase. We'll be using the Coinbase API to get your data.

While other providers allow you to import CSVs, we enforce using Coinbase's API as this less error prone. Futhermore, for your security, Digitax will never save your API keys.

Follow the instruction below. This couldn't be easier.

API Instructions

  • 1)

    Navigate to the Import Page on Digitax.

  • 2)

    Select Coinbase, and click the button, redirecting you to Coinbase's servers.

  • 3)

    Once there, login if necessary and authorize Digitax access to read your transactions.

  • 4)

    You're done! You'll be redirected back to our application and we'll begin collecting your transaction information.